For many, the daily strain of life with its uncertainties has taken its toll leaving us
deflated and exhausted. Sometimes, a little illumination in our day can make all the difference.
One simple act of kindness can be the encouragement we desperately need to get through our
day. Kindness comes in many forms such as praise or support. Another example of kindness is
action. Can we show one another warmheartedness without saying a single word? Often, this is
the most meaningful way we can demonstrate kindness.
During one of my frequent trips to the local library, I got to know the familiar face behind
the circulation desk. An elderly lady working just a few mornings a week would always greet me
as I settled down at my favorite corner table. One day, she came by and asked me how I was
doing. I told her that I had been struggling with throat problems and was scheduled for a surgery
the following week. She told me she was going to bring a surprise. Later that week, she handed
me a soft handmade pillow made of red silk and edged with delicate lace. “To help you rest” she
told me with a wink. I have never forgotten how much her compassionate gesture warmed my
As the pandemic hit and pushed our world into lockdown, I learned that many senior
citizens in nursing homes were feeling lonely because they were not allowed visitors. Through a
neighborhood social media website, I saw that people were sending them handwritten letters in
effort to cheer them. That afternoon, I pulled out all my old scrapbooking supplies. With the
assistance of my two boys, we made colorful cards and filled them with friendly greetings. The
next day we sent ten handmade cards with the hope of brightening someone’s day.
What does a random act of kindness look like to you? Maybe it’s a comforting word of
encouragement, or a sympathetic ear. Maybe it’s lending a soft shoulder to cry on. A few
examples of ways we can show random acts of kindness is to open a door for a stranger, pay for
someone’s meal, plant a tree, walk the neighbor’s dog when it’s cold outside, give a compliment,
or bring a sweet treat to a friend. Sometimes, local charities such as Ronald McDonald House,
could use snack packs for weary families that need to stay for extended periods of time.
Giving kindness to others can provide a greater purpose other than ourselves. We are
letting people know we see them, and they matter. The joy we receive from giving back to others
is our reward.