Benefits of Yoga

What is yoga? We bet you’ve heard it’s good for you. Well you’re right it is, but what is it really? To answer that question we’ll summarize what the Yoga Alliance has to say: Yoga was developed up to 5,000 years ago in India as a comprehensive system for wellbeing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Yoga is a system, not of beliefs, but of techniques and guidance for enriched living.

Don’t take our word for it. At Guruv, we know yoga is as good for you as eating your fruits and vegetables … you should do your own research and check out what researchers have to say in these articles as well as other research publications.

Harvard Health Publishing

A recent review led by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health summed up the findings of 37 randomized clinical trials involving nearly 2,800 people. Compared with those who did not exercise, yoga practitioners saw improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol, body weight, and other factors that influence the risk of heart disease. The cardiovascular effects were similar to those a person would get from brisk walking or other aerobic exercise. … read more …

International Journal of Yoga

Regular practice of yoga promotes strength, endurance, flexibility and facilitates characteristics of friendliness, compassion, and greater self-control, while cultivating a sense of calmness and well-being. … read more …

Medical News Today

Reducing stress, Relieving anxiety, Managing depression, Decreasing lower back pain, Improving quality of life during illness, Stimulating brain function, Preventing heart disease. … read more …


Healthline lists 13 benefits of yoga as backed by evidence which include reducing stress, improving quality of life, improving flexiblity and more. … read more …

American Osteopathic Association

“As an osteopathic physician, I focus a lot of my efforts on preventive medicine and practices, and in the body’s ability to heal itself,” says Dr. Nevins. “Yoga is a great tool for staying healthy because it’s based on similar principles.” … read more …